Is there a reason I should not want to hire a home inspector to review my house for structural integrity and mechanics? I just wanted some help looking out for areas, specifically my basement.

I do have a basement leak, I am not sure why it does this. Hubby says its the driveway needs sealing. I think it has to do with the old house not having proper drainage around the perimeter. I’m thinking a french drain may be necessary? I also wonder if the deck (built after we remodeled for move in) was built over a poorly graded area. The other section of the leaks is in the back and the grade is very low. Its very mossy in that area as well.

All I can think that can be done is building up soil on a slope (which will cover the basement windows-not used-partial basement) and maybe covering with rocks but that sounds it will only help a little. The sump pump is at the front of the house where there doesn’t seem to be any issues with water coming in (there is a raised flower bed across that section). The back yard (mossy) section is the worst, as well as the driveway/deck side. The other side is adjacent to neighbors drive which is newer house and built just slightly higher, this side does have rocks all across and the a/c unit is sitting there. Though this side does not “seem” to be a problem with leaks, I’d like to clean it up, and wonder if it’s possible to even slope the grade there with the a/c unit sitting level to the ground as it is.

If your concern is a wet basement, rather than calling in a ‘generalist’ like a home inspector, I’d call in a drainage specialist as they could provide an opinion on your specific situation.

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